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R $ 147.00
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How does the course work?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut the mass feugiat. Maecenas ornare gravida molestie. Nullam varius nec eros non scelerisque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut the mass feugiat. Maecenas ornare gravida molestie. Nullam varius nec eros non scelerisque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut the mass feugiat. Maecenas ornare gravida molestie. Nullam varius nec eros non scelerisque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut the mass feugiat. Maecenas ornare gravida molestie. Nullam varius nec eros non scelerisque.

Communicator Week is a 100% Free Online event created by the CEO of Escola Comradio Iraildon Mota.
It is a key moment to debate and reflect on the communication of the present and the future in a broad, social and sustainable way. In the program, the most urgent and opportune topics being presented by prominent professionals in their fields.

Iraildon Mota
Comradio School CEO
March 8th | 7 PM
Storytelling in Political Communication:
the narratives that nobody sees
March 9th | 7 PM
Podcast - bring production to market
March 10th | 7 PM
Investigative Journalism:
what is it and how to do it?
March 11th (LIVE) | 7 PM
Why does BBB go viral?
We are a family owned and operated business.

Radio and TV Course
There will be three online classes and one live
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